• 5:05 AM, Friday, February 29, 2008
Yesterday, 29-2-08: Mass Games and Road Run Day...Sianz la.
Wasted my effort running. In the end never get top 20 for the road run. T T
It was damn tiring running the 4.6, I wanted to quit halfway. =.= I was like, a few more meters to go.... for how long? I don't know. Walao eh! Damn long nia! Zzz...
When I finally see the cone, Qingyi chionged past me. I was thinking:"Want to win me eh? Lets chiong together!" Lols. Of course I win him la. My whole body was about to crash when I chionged finish, and I just toppled. Charmaine said I looked like I'm dead. Too bad I didnt have a mirror, I want to see how dead people looked like.
But I still lost to Thai Ming. Zzz... But if he compete me in sprint race I sure beat him de. That, I'm 100% confident.
After the events, I went to JEC to have lunch, with my mom. o.o
It wasnt crowded, AT ALL. Even though there was damn lot of Nan Hua-rians at JEC.
Finally home sweet home.... I wanted to sleep and let my goddamned legs have a good rest. But I wanna watch L: Change the World with fellow classmates.
Time for L: Change the World!
According to Phil, this film is a sequel to Death Note? I didnt know so I checed it out. I still couldn't figure it out in the end.
Watched the film with Mou Jun, Daniel, Siewyi, Sue Mae, Sue Lynn, Xiaohan, Tzu Lai.
Ok, the video was somewhat gory, gruesome, gross, and yet FUNNY!
The part where the Prof injected himself with a biohazard virus. Woots~ So cool nia. His skin was like he has chicken pox. They started bleeding! His eyes, nose, mouth, nails, everything started bleeding! His body was totally fried a while later, and his face popped up out of nowhere! The girls were scared la, covering their faces... WAKAKA! Me and Mou Jun were laughing, at both the fried face of the professor and the girls, and high fiving! Daniel was staring at the screen. ==
Nothing much happened after the movie, so I'll just speed up.
After the movie, everyone was just standing there, discussing what to do. o.o Daniel suggested going to the toilet. o.o
Mou Jun was editing the photo of Siewyi I sent the day before. WAKAKA!
Sue Mae jabbed Siewyi when we were at the escalator and Siewyi screamed, out loud, in the middle of Jurong Point. We were going to the food court.
But we went to Mos Burger instead. I wasn't hungry, so I just sat there, reading, and minding my own business.
Thats about all, bye.
• 3:23 AM, Thursday, February 28, 2008
Today was rather fun. I shall start with my Maths and Hist marks, which I have little to say.Maths, 2 more marks to A! Sian. 26/40
Hist. Woots~ Got A1! Lol. 21/25I shouldn't get too happy cos people failed and I shouldn't be so inconsiderate for their feelings.
After school there was enrichment, which was on student leadership. It went on until 4.30 pm. It was rather fun. But at the same time, rather lame. Shan't continue about.
After school, trained Cap.'s Ball with fellow players and classmates for tomorrow. It was fun. And half through, I went to jog one round. I went quite fast, and in the end when I came back for Cap's ball, I was rather tired. o.o I can't believe my stamina sucks this bad. o.o
Then fellow classmates (: Mou Jun, Sue Mae, Siewyi, Sue Lynn, Jovena, Jianyi) went MRT station and bus-stop at Clementi. Lols. Sue Mae told me to laugh fakingly, like I always did in class. o.o Then Siewyi say she (Sue Mae) got crush on me. o.o Siao. Mou Jun was like emo-ing. So quiet nia...
Wee~ Took a photo of Siewyi. Kakaka. She closed her eyes. Diaosters. I'm lame la. I usually delete photos I took of my friends. =.=
I was reminded of Kimbly, how cruel she was, when Siewyi shouted something like: Mou Jun! I know you 爱 Kimberly 爱得不得了. o.o I know the 2 girls are world's apart, but I can't help but being reminded of her, the memory of her was probably engraved to deeply in my heart.
I feel that I'm slowly being attached to my new school, new class, and new friends. But they're nowhere as trustworthy as Junyi and Alex were, but its just an opinion. I feel that It's hard to share some things with my new classmates...
• 4:01 AM, Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Its been quite long since I blogged eh? Lols. I simply don't know what to blog ma.Ok. This few days sheryl is still messeging me, IN CLASS! I'm not blaming her la..
Oh yea. We got back our Eng and Geo papers. Its seriously lousy la.
Eng= 16/30 T T
Geo=11.5/20 T T
See? so loousy. I going to die le la....! So sad nia...
Pui pui pui pui! T T
PE, did soccer assesment. I had to admit, that was the only fun soccer game I ever had. =.-
Overheard Zichao and jenn Yeong saying that I got 19/20 for the assesment. =.-
Tomorrow, having Captain's Ball practise. Lols.
Nothing much to blog liao nehs. Sian. Bye.
• 5:27 AM, Friday, February 22, 2008
Aw, Thai Ming called off the challenge. Never mind, I'll run anyway. At least, I won't be so stressed.• 3:21 AM,
Next week is Roda Run day, Sianz... Haven been training much. Next week after exam, I'm gonna train, but how? Dono nia. I ask Wayne, since he so pro in running long distance.And this guy Tha Ming from 103. Zzz... Show off. Say our class Captain Ball lose to his class don cry. Show off. Then i go his number from Ying Chang and tell him shuddup. =X He wan challenge me 4.6km run nia. XD I so fast got enemy in school liao. XD I slacker in long distance nia. Scared I lose than diu lian. Zzz.... Pui! I not going to lose to such a f***tard, chee*** showoff boy. He wan challenge me, bring it on la!
• 5:44 AM, Thursday, February 21, 2008
havent been blogging much these few days. Not that there's nothing to blog about. I'm just lazy.And wtf? Sheryl sms-ed me in the middle of assembly period after lunch?
• 5:14 AM, Monday, February 18, 2008
The way life is, I wish I can die. With my mom nagging all day long and my emotions, I can't take it anymore. I noe dying can't solve anything, but at least I relieves me of the pain, and most importantly, I won't be of any nuisance to her anymrore.
• 11:14 PM, Saturday, February 16, 2008
Alicia says Kimbly's pissed off at what i did.But what can I do? Sit there and wait? And not talk to her for the rest of my life until I die?
And I won't push the blame to Alex saying he was the one to encourage me to do it. Sure, he encouraged me. Well, maybe he tempted me. But I wanted to talk to her a long time ago.
I hate life. Hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it!
I'd like to ask god, again, why must it be me?! So many people out there and why must it be me!? Really, if god could see this, I want him/ it to struck me with lightning or let me be in the middle of a gang fight. Anything! Anything that can kill me right this minute!
• 3:57 AM, Thursday, February 14, 2008
Today's Valentines. And I'm terribly darn sad.On this day of love (and friendship), I really want to be sitting by her side, enjoying heart to heart talks. I really wonder how she's doing.
Everytime I want to talk to her, or msn/ sms her. But when I try to, I find out that I dont have the courage to. Alex told me to take risks, but i took too much to know I shouldn't anymore.
Anyway, Michelle says she's doing great.
I plucked up my courage to open a chat window with her. But I'm like the only asking questions. I don't mind. But I only wish I was there to witness the events.
I want to see her everyday, like we were in Keming. But now we're in different secondary schools, its a pity... All I can do is to look at a picture of her.
I want to cry, and currently, I'm already on the verge of tears. I even almost cried on the bus to school today.
I thought I could give her up. Really, but I can't.
• 4:59 AM, Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I wish I could celbrate tomorrow with K____. Argh, most of you noe her anyway. She doesn't like me anyway. Its like wtf. I'm getting emo again. And I feel like dying and having world demolition again, just like Mou Jun does.
But for my friends and families, I won't.
People tell me to find someone new, but how do I when I don feel like it?
I love her. And I probably will for the rest of my teenage life.
I'm gonna suffer, suffer in a bed of roses. But I'll be glad. At least I tried and I won't be filled with any regret.
And I found these meaningful Valentine Poem:
Although our love is over, it remains
An unfrequented garden in my heart,
Its beauty quite inseparable from pain,
A wilderness where once was willful art.
I hope a little piece of you is still
I hope a little piece of you is still
Reserved for me, a place you may not go,
But where my room, untenanted, can fill
A moment with my music, sweet and slow.
There are no wishes like a former lover's
There are no wishes like a former lover's
That from the dark, repentant night must shine.
And so though we have both moved on to others,
I send you from afar this Valentine.
And another one.
I miss you terribly this day of love,
Miss you with a wound that stabs and aches.
I see the love around me, and it takes
So much strength simply just to move.
Soon, soon, my love, this waiting will be done.
You and I will have what we desire.
On days like this we'll sit beside the fire,
Undoing all the pain of days long gone
• 5:47 AM, Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Tomorrow's Valentines Eve. If i remember correctly... its an anniversary or sth... But only for me exclusively. I guess the other party doesn't give a damn anyway...Valentines... Hate it... Its like the most worthless day for me... I forgot to celebrate it last year with ____, and now, this day has become nothing, totally nothing nothing nothing! Hais... This stinks...
• 5:34 AM, Monday, February 11, 2008
Eee... Mr Ling came back.His lessons were quite boring, same as Chew. Today at school damn sleepy nias... Almost slept during class. Was in the mood for holiday instead! I wanna sleep late and wake late like when it was holiday! Heck, CNY 15 days why only give us 2.5 days of holiday only?!Anw, Everything today was boring...
-- I promise i won't use vulgar again. S if anyone hear me use vulgar, please remind me.
• 12:13 AM, Sunday, February 10, 2008
Spent my Chinese New Year in my cousins', Phil and Sean, house. Cos i never check my passport and when i did. I realised it had expired. Wth wth wthhh. But it was fun!! I got extra ang paos from their aunties and uncles.. Lol. Phil and Sean were excited about our LEGENDARY MONEY, the new new new new new new PLASTIC $20 NOTE! Lols.Eve- Lols. Of course family reunion. I bet its th same for everyone. Steamboat. o.o
1st Day- Went to bai nian of course. Its been so many days that i forgot the details. Er... We went to Yang's house. His name is Gerald actually. He's not my cousin but Phil's. Lol. The minute we reacher there, Phil, Sean an Yang was chionging their PSP until darn late. Oh oh, saw Sherry. She's skinnier than i thought, and she says she's fat? o.o Diaos a lots. And dinner.... Zzz... They were eating vegetarian food. OMG. Luckily, the maids cooked non-vegetarian food too, which I kept eating. Lols. Too bad for Phil and Sean, they had to wait until 12 am to eat all the nice nice bak kwa and chocos. We stayed until very late sia... Cos the adults were playing mahjong or poker. And of course we youngsters gambled too. But we play small small. Lols. When we left it was 3.10am++. Reacher Phil's house by 3.30++am i think. And after we showered, 4am+ liao. Never stayed that late before, and it was exciting.
2nd day- went Phil/ Sean's aunt's bungalow. 3 storeyed. Sean and Yang played PSP for 10+ hours. Seating there. o.o
Played blackjack during the afternoon and night. Of course i lost! Won $8 at first. Then I lost everything. o.o Night Phil went scamming children's money. Jk. He say is the children dono how play so they keep losing lor. o.o
Yesterday, went Sherry's house. Lil ppl nia. Boring like hell. Heck, the house was small, but everything big nia. Shen tai big, TV big, Bed big, etc. Faints. o.o
Today- Sian nias.... 1pm go home liao. And this time. is MY home. Sad nias... She Bu de.... HAd so fun company.... At home no one pei wo de...
S'pore ang paos: $228. M'sia angpaos: I wonder how much. Haven count.
--Thanks dearest cousins, for showering me with love and care during the time i stayed with you. Because of you, I had a wonderful CNY.
• 9:29 PM, Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Only today do I realise how much I miss her.
• 9:22 PM,
Today is CNY Eve, which we only have to stay in school until 11. Thank god... We still have time to go back Keming... Today I had to go for rehearsal for CO performance, and in the end I don get to participate in the class party.... Sian.Nothing much in scholl today. Darn sian de. I wanted to post more. But too little things to post.
Then the me, jw, wen bin, kevin went Keming. Lol. When we reach there got damn lot of Pri 6 ppl. Mdm Tan took some pictures with us. There was one when my eyes were closed. =.=
It was quite lively cos darn lot of 6 Jade ppl go. Haha...
• 3:46 AM, Friday, February 1, 2008
Monday: Teacher changed the seats of some students. And I was briefed on the role of PE Rep at the first "meeting".Tuesday: Nothing much. Mou Jun kena changed seat.
Wednesday: Also nothing much. Except that I saw UGs in the canteen. CZT in his SJAB uniform. Quite nice. =D
Thursday: PE, bloody boring. Played the lame kabadee. Didnt really participate. History 'cher changed. Quite interesting? Enrichment, did a lame german dance. Stupid. But quite funny.
Today: Again, nothing much. Had History test. Quite easy actually. -.=